Sunday, July 20, 2014

Keyboards will rest in History books : Introducing AirType

As smartphones and tablets are becoming sort of necessity we find ourselves struggling with the keyboard on a daily basis. Sometimes virtual keyboards cause a problem or we find ourselves carrying a portable one. But if AirType is to be believed, these will be a thing of past very soon. It’s a new portable wearable device which includes 2 cuffs – one for each hand that recognize the letters by learning your finger movements.

A Texas based startup, AirType makes typing on your phone or tablet easier by making any surface work like a keyboard. Since it’s just a concept so it’s a bit difficult to explain how it really works. They describe it as “a keyboard in the palm of your hand.”
Unlike a projection keyboard, you do not see anything on the surface you use as a keyboard. Just your finger movement accompanied by an app for text prediction and you are good to go.
Presently, it’s a great concept, but just a “concept”. By the time we see a prototype or even the complete product we may need to type anymore. Now Google Now, Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana and Blackberry Assistant all work on voice and to a great extent you can type fluently just by speaking. However, it has the potential to completely change the way we interact with mobile devices.


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