Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Google Play Store Update with Material Design Rolls Out

Well as was evident from earlier leak about a new updated Google Play Store turns out to be true. Google has officially released an updated to the Google Play Store app from version 4.8.20 to 4.9.13.
The major change is the use of the new Material Design which was introduced at Google I/O and has now made its way to the Google Play Store app. Well the update first doesn’t look like a big deal but once you dive in to the various sections of Apps, Books, Movies you can see the whole UI redesigned. There are beautiful sliding animations, big imagery and an overall cleaner layout. Cover art plays a much larger role, and details like rating overviews and genres have been moved into easy-to-read icons. 

Aside from the major changes to the app information pages, the rest of the Play Store app remains unchanged. We suspect that this update is only a sign of what’s to come for the Play Store and Material Design. The rest of the app will probably get redesigned eventually, as well.


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